Category Archives: Weekend Update

Weekend Update: 11.29.2010

Hi friends!

You know how SNL has a Weekend Update? Well we figured we should do the same and keep you updated about what is going on with all things GLBT on campus. Highlights from this week include Fr. Linnane speaking about Sexual Ethics to Loyola students. Yes, those two words were in the same sentence: Fr. Linnane & sex.  Loyola’s president spoke about the taboo subject of sex. He talked about love and respect and how people should consider these factors before deciding to have sex. Thanks to everyone who came to hear his thoughts!

In other national news, the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, is making headlines once again. This past  Thursday, the Pentagon released a study citing that 70% of servicemen and women think that repealing the policy “would be positive, mixed or of no consequence at all.” Sen. John McCain still showed strong opposition towards measures to repeal DADT. Even the statistics are loving the gays in the military! But apparently McCain isn’t happy with hard statistics from government sources. We’ll have to see how this plays out.

Hope that everyone is enjoying their last precious days of class and preparing for finals!